Confirmatory reviews – Last Mayor is on the right track!

Mike GristLast Mayor, Writing 2 Comments

A month ago I received this review of the Last Mayor box set books 1-9 on Amazon US: Started off like a snowball down a mountain. By book 4 it slowed to a pebble rolling down a rocky slope. Well defined characters, interesting premise but some points go against all common sense. But still a good read. But cant bring my self to give a five. Oddly, I found this to be incredibly reassuring. This person had read an earlier version, where I’d edited books 1-3 but hadn’t yet touched books 4-6. So – what I’d done was working! The …

Massive edits to the Last Mayor 6: The Laws

Mike GristLast Mayor, Writing, Zombie Ocean 2 Comments

In the last couple of weeks I have been editing The Laws, Last Mayor book 6, and am almost at the final word count. It started off at 107,000 words. That’s a decent length book, bigger than an ‘average’ novel length of 80,000. It has great reviews on all vendors, basically a solid five stars. It may even be crazy to edit it at all – since something about it is working. And yet… I have now cut it down to 55,000 words. That’s basically chopping it in half. Here’s what I cut, and why: 13,000 words of Drake’s backstory. …

3 weeks in to Facebook ads

Mike GristFacebook Ads, Last Mayor, Marketing, Writing Leave a Comment

I have now spent £600 on Facebook ads! You may remember from my analysis a week back that I was losing money. So am I in profit yet? Ha ha, no! I have made £500 so far, so I am still £100 underwater. This is actually pretty generous too, assigning all earnings to FB ads, which is not accurate – even without ads I get a couple of sales a day, so it’s probably more like £200-£300 losses. Well well well. Oddly though, I am holding my nerve still. In practical terms, I have only lost £100, which is really …

Facebook ad success?!?

Mike GristFacebook Ads, Ignifer Cycle, Last Mayor, Marketing, Writing 1 Comment

Two weeks back I wrote about how I was getting back into Facebook ads. Well, I have done that with a vengeance, and while spending $500 from Feb 1-15 I have experienced some of my best results yet. So am I making money? Technically, no. But maybe yes? Let’s break it down. After reading Michael Cooper’s book ‘My Facebook Ads Suck’ I got wise to the importance of knowing your readthrough payments. If you know what any single first-in-series book is worth to you overall, as in how much money you’ll make from a certain proprtion of people who read …

The answers! Why people don’t read through The Last Mayor series.

Mike GristLast Mayor, Writing 7 Comments

Yesterday I wrote a post about calculating my readthrough on the Last Mayor series – ie. how many people who start book 1 then read all the way through to book 9. By a conservative estimate, I came up with 3%, which seems extremely low. There’s got to be a problem there. I thought about how to figure the reason out. There’s a big drop off in sales from book 1 to 2, but maybe this is because book 1 is often 99-cents, and 99-cent readers are less likely to finish a book, and more likely to pick up a …

MJG Spring update – Newsletter April 2

Mike GristLast Mayor, Life, Writing, Zombie Ocean Leave a Comment

Well well well. The Zombie Ocean/Last Mayor series is finished, and now it is Spring. The old things are dead and it’s time for some new growth to creep in – and what better way to keep the zombie theme alive than with a zombie book… But not about zombies. Though actually there are zombies in this book, just in an epic fantasy setting, but the point is the book itself is sort of a zombie. What am I blathering on about? The Rot’s War, book 2 of the Ignifer Cycle – more below. Also I have epic news about …

The Light – Last Mayor 9

Mike GristBooks, Last Mayor, Zombie Ocean 1 Comment

The Light is Book 9 in the Last Mayor series, bringing the series to its end. From the darkness comes the light. Ever since the world broke apart, ‘Last Mayor of America’ Amo has known what kind of world he’d like to build. Until now. Now there is no light at the end of days. Only darkness. And darkness will rule over all. The end is here. The Light is the heartbreaking final book in the Last Mayor survival horror series.     The Light, Book 9 of the Last Mayor series, is available as an e-book now. – Amazon …

The Last – Last Mayor 1

Mike GristBooks, Last Mayor, Writing 22 Comments

The Last is Book 1 in the Last Mayor apocalypse thriller series. 7 billion dead. 1 man alive. When the apocalypse hits America, not a soul is left alive. Except Amo. He’s a comic book artist. He’s a video game world builder. He’s just a regular guy living in New York city, with only his wits, creativity and basic decency to guide him. He’s alone against 7 billion of the dead. Will he survive? A blistering take on the end of the world and one man’s ingenious struggle to survive, with a twist that’ll rip off your head and eat …