Facebook ad February – $1000 spent and 300 book sales

Mike GristFacebook Ads, Marketing, Writing Leave a Comment

My month-long experiment with Facebook ads may be at an end. Here’s the story so far: Restarting Facebook ads 2 weeks in 3 weeks in In summary – a month back I read Michael Cooper’s book about Facebook ads, which focused heavily on the essential importance of getting good book readthrough in order to make a profit, and decided I wanted to give it a real go. Now I have. I pushed book 1 in the 9-book Last Mayor zombie series and book 1 in the 2-book epic fantasy Ignifer Cycle. I experimented with ad copy, ad images and targeting. …

Writing Update 2019 week 7&8

Mike GristFacebook Ads, Marketing, Weekly Writing Update, Writing Leave a Comment

Somehow I always let these weekly updates slip for a week – I think it’s down to these days having just too much to say! I want to get it all into its own separate post, on separate days, and thus I over-run. So this update will combo multiple major developments, starting with: BOOKBUB!!!!!!!! In December I had an International Bookbub for the Saint’s Rise, yah boo who cares right? I sold some 400 at 99c internationally, but because there is no tail in any of these countries, there is no ongoing cashstream or much more than breaking even. Maybe …

3 weeks in to Facebook ads

Mike GristFacebook Ads, Last Mayor, Marketing, Writing Leave a Comment

I have now spent £600 on Facebook ads! You may remember from my analysis a week back that I was losing money. So am I in profit yet? Ha ha, no! I have made £500 so far, so I am still £100 underwater. This is actually pretty generous too, assigning all earnings to FB ads, which is not accurate – even without ads I get a couple of sales a day, so it’s probably more like £200-£300 losses. Well well well. Oddly though, I am holding my nerve still. In practical terms, I have only lost £100, which is really …

8 books returned in one day!!?!

Mike GristFacebook Ads, Marketing, Writing 2 Comments

Yesterday I had an epic day in Facebook ad response – 29 books sold across two series, earning $54 there and then with more to trickle in over today and tomorrow, on $65 worth of spend. Almost getting to the breakeven point? I had some great responses to ads, and as I learned from Michael Cooper, every comment on your ad increases its relevance in Facebook’s eyes. My challenge blurbs are raising a few hackles, but more people are saying they’ve gone on to buy the books in question because of the boldness!! Someone compared me to Levar Ball. Huh? …

Facebook ad success?!?

Mike GristFacebook Ads, Ignifer Cycle, Last Mayor, Marketing, Writing 1 Comment

Two weeks back I wrote about how I was getting back into Facebook ads. Well, I have done that with a vengeance, and while spending $500 from Feb 1-15 I have experienced some of my best results yet. So am I making money? Technically, no. But maybe yes? Let’s break it down. After reading Michael Cooper’s book ‘My Facebook Ads Suck’ I got wise to the importance of knowing your readthrough payments. If you know what any single first-in-series book is worth to you overall, as in how much money you’ll make from a certain proprtion of people who read …