The Rot’s War out in audio!!

Mike GristAudio, Writing Leave a Comment

Book 2 of my Ignifer Cycle, The Rot’s War, has now been released as an audiobook by Podium Publishing!

I never once imagined a day like this would come. I first wrote this book hard on the heels of The Saint’s Rise maybe 10 years ago, way back in the mists of my time in Japan. I sent The Saint’s Rise to agents and publishers in multiple rounds, hundreds of them in total, and only ever came back with rejection. 

What chance did a sequel have?

Then I discovered self-publishing. I rewrote, published, rewrote, published several times. A year ago, the Saint hit, and Podium saw it. They contacted me. Now both books are in audio, and I’m stunned by that.

Take a listen now. Either book could be free with an Audible subscription. 

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