Fuchu US Airbase Heyday

Mike GristHaikyo, Military Installations, Tokyo-to 284 Comments

Since publishing my 2008 explore and photos of the abandoned US Air Force base in Fuchu, Japan, it’s been one of the most popular pages on this site. See it here. It has attracted hundreds of veteran airmen from the 50’s onwards to comment and reconnect with old friends and colleagues- some of whom at times sent me photos from the Base’s heyday to include in a heyday page.

This is that page. Thanks to 4 airmen in particular- Carl Lindberg, Cliff Cockerill, Bill Lambert, Dale Lingenfelter, and Donn Paris for taking the trouble to scan and send the photos from this most memorable time in their lives, but also thanks to everyone who got in touch with me or just commented on the main page to share their stories and memories.

Without further ado- on to the photos (comparison photos in ruin are mine).

Carl Lindberg

Photos in and around Fuchu AS, AUG65 to AUG67

“Fuchu became my first duty station, after I completed Tech School at Lowry AFB. I was assigned to the PACOM Elint Center (in the back of the base, across the street from the Hobby Shop & Education Center). I lived in the barracks close to the Airman’s Club and BX Cafeteria in the SW corner of the base. I have attached several photos of personnel and facilities from my time at Fuchu.”

Carl Lindberg, Shoreline, WA


Carl in front of the Airman’s Club

Carl & friends on the road towards Tokyo

HQ 5th Air Force, Fuchu AS

Higashi Fuchu Train Station, looking towards Tokyo

Carl hitting a foul ball across from NCO Club

Carl’s 56 Plymouth parked by my barracks

That’s a barracks at left, wholly covered in ivy.

Bill Lambert

“Have are a few photos I will share from 1961-1963.”

Bill Lambert

This was outside main gate. What was the G.I. name for the strip? Haun or hawn?

I worked on bottom floor, last window you can see on the right. 1956 Communication Group.

This is me in front of my barracks. My room was the next set of windows on left. The chow hall was directly behind us.

Overgrown shot for above.

You got to remember these girls! The Gay Little Hearts……… When they played the Airmen Club, it was packed. Do you have anything on them?
Had the right person brought them to the US, they would have made it big.

Inside Airman’s Club………Beer 10 cent & cigarettes 12 cent l-r James Burley-Jerry Palmer(The golfer Arnold’s brother) Frank Allison-James Bodiford(beer to mouth)-?-?-me – Michael Comer

Not the Airmen’s club, but one of the interior dorms in ruins now.

Dale Lingenfelter

“Here’s a couple pictures taken just out side my barracks in Fuchu, Japan…..1956, I was stationed in Fuchu from Jan 1956 to Nov 1957.
Two great years in my life!”

Dale Lingenfelter

Bicycling in front of the dormitories.

Upgrade to motorbike.

Cliff Cockerill

“I was stationed at Fuchu 3/53 – 3-56.. Worked in Tech Control in the 1956th AACS squadron.”
Cliff Cockerill


Fuchu Base entrance.

A nearby area, asphalt now covered in grass.

King Laundry just outside the gate

Looking down the strip just outside the gate

1956th AACS Communications bldg.

Communications Center for the 1956th AACS

Chow Hall for 1956th AACS

Cliff Cockerill near the station

Donn J. Paris

“Stationed at Fuchu from ’65-’67, I was surprised (shocked!) to discover what had happened to it.? Sadly, I took few pictures of the Station itself, but I have done some searching around and have rounded up some information on the Station as it was…”


Station outline with identifying index (from James Bodiford, provided by Charles Whitson.)

Aerial view of Fuchu AS, circa 1959 (from Jim Brownie)

Adjusted image from Google Earth to match layout of the aerial pic

Thanks again to everyone who posted and shared their comments and photos.

If you’d like to see more photos of the base as it is nowyou can see them here.

And you can see more photos of Japanese ruins here.

Comments 284

  1. I had visited Fuchu Airbase five years back and was amazed to notice deserted military bases found in the heavy populated Tokyo.All the area looked abandoned except few guards patrolling around the fences.We got the chance to visit the largest prison in Japan very close to that Airbase station.The whole visit was very memorable and unforgettable.This post took me back down to the memory lane and I immediately grabbed the photo album of that visit.

    1. I was in Japan in the late 50s when my Dad was stationed at Fuchu in the Comm Sqdn I think. We lived in Grant Heights, and I had a brother born there at Johnson, a Navy base maybe. I remember eating chestnuts that were steamed maybe. Cool thing I also remember my mother ordering chocolate sundaes from the BX that were delivered right to our quarters by a Japanese guy on a bicycle. Think I was around 9-10 years old. Played baseball & football. Certain days we could not leave Grant Heights because of demonstrations (communist?) off base. Also the ‘honey bucket’ pits near the base, nasty! Pleasant memories.

      1. My husband was stationed at Fuchu as an Air Policeman and he worked at Grant Heights and had a baseball team there for the youngsters…would have been 1957 to 1959…

  2. I read about Fuchu Airbase in one of the books. After I read that, I was really interested in visiting the place. My kids were also pretty excited after seeing the pictures. The pictures uploaded here are also great. I like the content here and will be visiting Fuchu Airbase in the near future.

  3. The pictures posted here are really awesome. I remember when I was young, one of my friends’ dad used to work for Fuchu Airbase. When I read this article, I remembered her telling me about his dad’s different experiences.

  4. I came across this article on Fuchu Airbase by accident and appreciate this different,innovative yet quite appealing subject of this article.It is quite warm to see a good response in the form of comments following it. I enjoyed the content,write up and the creativity of this post thoroughly.I don’t know much about the airbase but have heard about its involvement during second world war in brief. I really got overwhelmed with the pictures and am sure they keep reminding us about our past,our ancestors. They are really to be treasured and cherished.

  5. Thanks for the memories! I was stationed there 2/64 to 2/67. Worked in building 2 (1st Weather Wing) and lived in Barracks 251 (between HQ and the Bowling Alley) until my family arrived then moved to a Paddy House and later into Grant Heights Base Housing. It is sad to see the condition of the base now!

  6. I was stationed at Fuchu fom ’61 thru ’63 with the 421st Air Police Squadron. Had TDY’s to the P.I. and Nam in ’61 and ’62. What an experience, LOVED every minute. The Japanese people were awsome, so friendly and helpful, especially the school kids, they all had to try their English and heaven forbid me my Japanese. BUT WOW WHAT AN EXPERIENCE FOR A 19 YEAR OLD CALIFORNIA BOY. NO photos yet but still looking, OLD AGE CAN BE A PAIN, but still kicking. Hope this reaches someone who cares like I do. BEST OF EVERYTHING, LATER.

  7. I have a question as to where I could get some information. Perhaps you can help. My Uncle was stationed there in 1946 with the 36th fighter squadron of the 5th air force. He was killed on 11/12/1946 when his P51 crashed into the bay. My mother told me that it was thought to be sabotage. Can you direct me to how I could find out what happened?

  8. I was with the 1956 Comm Sq from Feb 67 to Oct 68 and lived in Barracks 253. Worked in the Base Comm Center until shipping out to Nam.

  9. Just found out he was my cousin – played for Fuchu AFB football team circa 1959. Anybody remember him?

    STRATHMAN EUGENE H. STRATHMAN, Major USAF (retired). Gene was born in Cleveland, Ohio on May 19, 1931. He graduated from Brush High School in 1949 and Western Reserve University in 1954. He played football, basketball and track through high school and college. He won four state championships and national championships of Canada, Philippines and Japan. Gene was ranked 22nd in the world as a discus thrower. Gene married Alice Wilhelm and they had three sons; Gene, Mike and Mark. He loved his sons dearly and took great pride in their numerous accomplishments. Gene is survived by his wife Pat Crockett Strathman. He made friends for life. The “Suite Case Six”; John, Bill, Jamie, Billy and Brud have been friends for over 65 years, all having grown up in South Euclid, Ohio. Gene served 20 years in the Air Force and was awarded the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal and Air Force Commendation Medal. Private family services will be held. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions to the Salvation Army, PO Box 412577, Kansas City, MO 64141-2577. Arrangements by CREMATION SOCIETY OF KANSAS & MISSOURI, 8837 ROE, PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS 66207; 913-383-9888.
    – See more at: http://obits.cleveland.com/obituaries/cleveland/obituary.aspx?pid=152522202#sthash.6PolYkLa.dpuf

  10. Was stationed at Fuchu 68-70 at Pacom Elint Center (PEC). It was a tri service command-Air Force, Army, Navy. I was a CTT3 (Navy). The men I worked with were outstanding and I formed friendships that are still intact today. My immediate supervisor was then CTT1 Bill Ringer and he was the best. The Army and Air Force personnel were great, everyone was hardworking and professional. I rotated back to the states in 1970 for separation but prior to my getting out, they moved PEC to Hawaii so all personnel who were up for separation or orders to a new duty station stayed behind and closed out the old shop while everyone else shipped out to Hawaii and started the new shop. I still remember the look on the Chief’s face at Kamisaya when the Air Force staff car rolled up to the transit barracks to pick up a young CTT3 to take him to Fuchu……..I remember when I received my orders to Fuchu, I quietly sat on my bunk and thought to myself….”there is a God”. I still keep in contact with some of the guys from PEC through Facebook.

  11. I am surprised and pleased that there are still posts about Fuchu AS. I was stationed there from 6-’69 to 1-’72 and served with the 37th Security Police Squadron. I was the desk-sergeant for “A” Flight and absolutely, thoroughly enjoyed my tour there, (especially after Korea and Nam!!!) I can’t believe these pictures of the base in ruin……it was a such a cool assignment. I was lucky to live in a barracks with one-man rooms, drive a Honda sports-car AND a new Honda 750CC motorcycle, I remember the softball league under the lights across the street from the NCO Club…(many beers were drank there) Hitting the bars on the “Hahn” outside the main gate and finishing the night with the best burgers ever at the bowling alley! I dearly remember my close friends there and feel free to contact me if you are still alive & kicking…….SSGT Hatfield, SSGT Melton, Bob Woolf, Paul, Jess, Willie Niles, Stacie Blizzard, Debie Horton, Mark Schluetter, and soo many others. It was great times and a nice de-tox before re-entering civilian life and college in ’72 with all the anti-GI haters back then!!!

    1. Hi: So fun reading about Fuchu. I was in the 1956 from 1964-1968. I was wondering if you knew an Airman name Shirts? I believe his first name was Bill. He married and girl who lived in the barracks for Japanese women who worked on the base. She worked at the BX I think. Thanks to all for the memories. Great Base. Joe@LTC-software.com

  12. I was assigned to the 1956 AACS squadron for two year; Fall of 1955 until the Fall of 1957. I only visited the base occasionally as I was assigned to the receiver site. When I returned to the states in 1957 I returned to civilian life..

  13. I attended Sophia University in Tokyo from 1964-1967. My dad was stationed at Kadena AFB on Okinawa and as I was on a student visa, I had to have a a “sponsor” in order to stay in Japan. My sponsor and his family were stationed at Fuchu and I used to visit them periodically. I also used to go to the BX when I needed supplies plus would go to the movies at Fuchu. I had forgotten the name of the base when I remembered I had a Tokyo and vicinity railroad map. Found the Keio line, and , bingo! Fuchu!

  14. Stationed at Fuchu from 1964 through 1966 and back as a student in 1967. The best days of my life! Plan 55 maintenance with the 1956th Comm Sq. The most beautiful Air Base in the world. Visited in 2006 as it was being demolished–very sad. Any Plan 55 guys write me at fry44@verizon.net.

  15. Stationed at Fuchu from 1964 through 1966 and back as a student in 1967. The best days of my life! Plan 55 maintenance with the 1956th Comm. Sq. The most beautiful Air Base in the world. Visited in 2006 as it was being demolished–so sad! Any Plan 55 guys or tennis players write me at fry44@verizon.net.

  16. Assigned USAF Hospital Tachikawa in 1961. Transferred to Fuchu AS in 1963 and to Green Park in 1964. Commuted from Fuchu to Green Park daily on bike when weather permitted. Otherwise, by bus. One thing I remember about Fuchu was the AF had a ton of old C-Rations that were about to expire, so once a week, the mess hall served a meal of C-Rations. I remember going to General Smart’s office to draw a blood sample for routine physical and dropping it on the way back to the dispensary. “Uh, General, a funny thing happened… “. Fuchu was a good small station. Great Airmens Club, good PX, even a nice Chapel. I sang in a Christmas choir there and we got taken to Tokyo for a traditional Japanese dinner in a garden. Good memories

  17. Assigned USAF Hospital Tachikawa in 1961. Transferred to Fuchu AS in 1963 and to Green Park in 1964. Commuted from Fuchu to Green Park daily on bike when weather permitted. Otherwise, by bus. One thing I remember about Fuchu was the AF had a ton of old C-Rations that were about to expire, so once a week, the mess hall served a meal of C-Rations. I remember going to General Smart’s office to draw a blood sample for routine physical and dropping it on the way back to the dispensary. “Uh, General, a funny thing happened… “. Fuchu was a good small station. Great Airmens Club, good PX, even a nice Chapel. I sang in a Christmas choir there and we got taken to Tokyo for a traditional Japanese dinner in a garden. Good memories

  18. I played on the 1959 Fuchu Tornadoes football team. Captain Eugene Strathman was our head coach. He did not play on the team in 1959. We competed against Air Force, Army and Navy teams in Japan and Korea. Captain Strathman was an assistant coach on the Air Force’s 1960 All Star football team. The team was comprised of players who had played college football, one former professsional football player, and former high school players such as myself. Captain Strathman, an officer, was close to all the players on the team, enlistsed players as well as oficers.

    He was also head coach of the 1960 USAF Far East Allstar Track Team. We competed mostly against Japanese colleges. We were allowed to compete in the Japan 1960 Track Olympic Trials in Meji Stadium ourside of Tokyo. Of course, we couldn’t qualfiy for their olympic team. Captain Strathman threw the discus in the trials.

    Jim Stephens

  19. My father, Gerald Faver, and I enjoyed looking through your pictures. He was stationed at the Fuchu base from approximately 1955-1957. He was in the communications department. He was looking to see if he recognized anyone, but so far no such luck.

    Thank you,


    1. I remember you as SSgt Marshall. We used to debate with one another over who was best Willie Mays or Mickey Mantle. I’ll bet neither of us has changed our opinion on that. Do any of these names ring a bell: CWO Zwiefelhofer, Jerry Bushon, Ken Harp, Hank Grant, Darrel Wells. Fuchu was a great place to be 19 years old. Seeing pictures of it all grown over in vegitation and hear that it has now disappeared entirely is sad. I guess air bases like people grow old and finally disappear.

  20. Was stationed at Fuchu AS from 1962-1966. Served in the 1956 Comm. GP and Far East Comm. Region. Attended Sophia University and had a wonderful time.

  21. Was stationed there July 1967 to November 1970 in the 1956 Comm. Go. Worked P-55 Relay. Sad to see what has happened to it.

    1. Dave, I was assigned to plan 55 June 67 to Nov 68 except for 6 month tdy Feb 68 to Au 68.

      Then to Thailand

      Jerry Bosch

  22. This is for Gerald Faver.
    Jerry I think I remember the name. Could it be you were with the 1st Comm. Sqdn? I was with the 16th Comm. Sqdn., in Tokyo, FEAF Hq. but we moved to Fuchu and became the 1st. Comm. Sqdn. in June or July of 1956.

    John McCain

    1. I was with the 1st Comm at Nagoya in 1956 and played on the Nagoya Comets football team. I then moved to Fuchu and played on the 1957 team there. Frank Hughlet was our QB and the great Dusty Rice(U of Iowa, a halfback). Rotated back to the states when the season ended in November.

  23. Pictures bring back a flood of memories. I was with the 1956th Comm. Group as a P-55 maintainer and later worked in Tech Control from 65-67. I lived in the barracks across from the Base Exchange. Also volunteered as the Scoutmaster of BSA Troop 40 on base. Sad to see it abandoned. Was proud to work and live there. Learned a lot about Japanese culture from the friendly people in the area. Made many friends on base and in the community. Often wondered about Fuchu AS and its fate.

    1. I was in P-55 maintenance and in 1967 was assigned temporary duty helping someone string wiring to Tech Control. The front side was all plug-ins and the back was a maze of wiring. This guy could find any terminal and seemed to enjoy the little jolt he got from touching them. I still wonder why we were stringing wire.

  24. Anyone out there remember Tom Kerr? He worked in Radar I think. We ran the Han way too much but fortunately got out without having caused too much damage to ourselves or others (LOL). Have photos somewhere. Will try to find and get them posted.

    1. Tom Kerr had a room three door down from me. He was friendly with Don Parsons. Didn’t Kerr and parsons work in the Microware section? Everybody remembers the Han. What a strip!

      1. One night after being at the club way too long Tom and I hit the Han. Seems Tom took a liking to a noodle shops ad towels hanging from a bamboo pole in the front of the shop. Somehow I ended up with the towels and when the O Marty sans finally came I had the towels to show them Not sure why I did that other than too many Kirins. Another Airman advised me to get back to base so I did. The police never caught me but when they stopped at the front gate to talk to the JASDF guards there was Tom just standing there watching like an innocent spectator. LOL. The shop owner recognized him and then the AP’s came fore me. Bad day at Black Rock LOL. Would be fun to hear from Tom again. I keep thinking Tim that I knew you as well. Too many years past to remember all that happened.

    1. I was stationed at Fucu AS with the 1956th Communications Group, AFCS from 1969-Jan 73. I was first assigned to the Spintcom , took a TDY to Camp Drake to learn the Philco-Ford computer system, having worked the equivalent big computers at Tinker AFB, OK at the Western Union version.

      Later at Fuchu I got a gig to do their publicity for the 1956th and worked it into getting retrained. From a restricted career to field to retraining is a story all its own.

      What a great assignment, to add to my first assignment at Itazuke AB Japan (Kyushu ) near Fukuoka. I was at the Zuke for four years 1962-1966.

      I like your old pics John especially those big cherry trees that lined the little street up the main gate of Fuchu. I recall in the spring, the trees having grown together at the top putting on their beautiful pink blossoms gave the impression of a pink cloud over that little street.

      also recall my buddy and I missing our ride to Grant Heights/Later Tachikawa
      housing, stopped in at the ittle bar across from the main gate of Fuchu and have a few Kirin Ichi-Bans. What a great assignment, a great country with wonderful people. I sorely miss it. Al Womack

  25. As I recall; Tom Kerr was from Long Island, NY. Was a bit out there on occasion. Don Parsons was from Minneapolis; and both of them worked in Microwave. Anyone remember the Typhoons of the summers, ’65 & ’66? Used to get a burger late at night at the bowling alley. Ran into Earl Tanaka a many years ago in Hawaii. Also met a guy named Staggs up at Ft. Monmouth after I left Fuchu. Very good place to be in the late 60’s. Still think of all the outside adventures in Fuchu area and going into Shinjaku on the Keio line railway. Sad to see the base in ruins.

    1. Tom Kerr told me he was a high school wrestler. One night in Rappongi at Wimpy’s Hamburger Tom and I met an American pro wrestler and somehow Tom almost got in a match with him. That guy was HUGE and would have killed Tom (LOL). Fortunately I got Tom into my car and we got away before we became a news at 11 special.

      Also remember wading in waste deep water near Kanto Mura directing traffic during one of the typhoons. Also did a layover in Tokyo when a flight got delayed due to the 1966 typhoon. They put us up in a hotel in Tokyo rather than back at Fuchu which was much closer. Had Kobe steak on Uncle Sam that night.

      Tim did you ever go on a weekend trip with the Les Girls group to a beach resort?

  26. My family lived on Kanto Mura from 71-75. I was very young but I have many wonderful memories of those years. Can anyone tell me how far was Kanto Mura from Fuchu? I remember going bowling in Fuchu. My dad was on a league and my mom worked in the snack bar there. Just wondering.

  27. I was stationed there from June 69 to June 70 with the 1956 Comm Group, Ground Radio shop. I saw Andy Rallojay’s comments (#10), so I thought I’d comment also. We used to hang out from time to time. Don’t know if he remembers me. I was an AF two striper. If you read this, Andy, jut want you to know that Juan Felan passed away about 18 years ago, sudden heart attack on the softball field. Anyway, Fuchu was an experience, and the troops and the local people made it a great one. My tour got cut short to one year. I was needed in Vietnam.

  28. worked in NCO club as a steward from June 1962 — july 1964 was assiginedto 7651st ACISsq in Tachikawa

  29. Mike I am John Meyer. I also worked in the Ground Radio shop at Fuchu. Remember Mike, Tom Watanoby and Mr Mori the civilian employees? Of course our biggest mission was maintaining the Airways equipment and some of the Weather Sq. stuff. I was there from 1968 through 1974, my wife is Vicky she is from the Philippines. It was a good assignment…

  30. I was in the 1956 Comm Gp from 1973 to 1975 I worked in the Aeronautical Station (“Fuchu Airways”) They close down the dorms in 1974 moved us to Tachikawa to live, but we remained working at Fuchu Airways until the operation was moved to the basement to the new 5th AF HQ on Yokota. Fuchu was a great assignment, and I did not like the move to Yokota.

  31. I was also stationed with 1st Weather Wing Personnel until it moved to Hawaii (1962 – 1964). Got lucky and got a COT back to 20th Weather Squadron (Mail Room) Administration (1965-1968). Wonderful people to work with.

  32. I arrived at Tachikawa February 1964. I worked there in data processing and then was transferred to the PACOM ELINT CENTER at Fuchu AS. I worked there for a while then was TDY to 67RTS at Yokota where I worked in the famous “Machine Room”. I left Japan in March of 1967. You can find me on facebook

  33. I lived on Fuchu Air Station from 1957 – 1960. My father, Col. Walter J Wilson, was stationed there with Fifth AF. I was nine years old when we moved to Fuchu and almost 12 when we returned to the states. I went to Green Park Elementary School – took a school bus every day.

    It was such an amazing time and place to be a child. We had so much freedom – used to roam the base, and would even sneak off-base by squeezing under the perimeter fence … wandered the Japanese countryside, got lost a few times.

    I remember the Saturday matinees for kids at the base theater – they showed cartoons and an ongoing serial – then a movie. I think it was 15 cents admission. I loved the library – rode my bike there and used to hang out in summer when it was hot – one of the few places that was air conditioned.

    I remember long days at the swimming pool in summer, and also the park-like strip of trees and grass behind our quarters, where all the kids would gather to play on what would be considered way-too-dangerous playground equipment nowadays. Tall metal slide with no handrails, set over concrete. And endless games of hopscotch – it was a such a craze for a long time. Also Four-Square with a rubber ball.

    I wonder if any of the old “kids” from that time ever see this website? It sure would be fun to reconnect with Jeannie Crawford, Dawn Willard, and others. ~ Leslie Wilson (on FB as “Leslie Woodbridge Burnham”)

    1. Hi Leslie,

      My father was also stationed there at the 5th Air Force 1957-1960. His name was Sturl Dean Cooper. But he went by Dean usually. He worked in the office I believe & also interpreted for the officers. He dated a Japanese girl there named Itsuko Yamamoto. Perhaps your father might remember him?

      Thanks, Donna Lee Cooper-Garcia (I can also be found on Facebook)

  34. In November 1969 I began my tour at Fuchu Air Station in 1956th Comm. Group (AFCS) as a SSgt Computer Maintenance Technician (R30574B). I came from 544th ARTW at Offutt AFB, Nebraska as did TSgt Dan McHargue who was my supervisor at Offutt. We were neighbors at Offutt AFB family housing and our families were close friends. We lived off base near Tachikawa Air Base for about six months and then moved to Kanto Mura Housing Area. Dan and I were both into motorcycle riding and racing. and were appointed inspectors for motorcycle drivers licenses for Fuchu AS and Kanto Mura. I bought a Yamaha 250 DT-1 Enduro from a local Japanese dealer/repair shop and Dan bought a Yamaha 360 Enduro. We joined the All Japan Motorcycle Club chapter at Tachikawa Air Base. We raced at Tachikawa. AB, Atsugi NAS, Yokota AB, Yamaha Track and later Suzuki Track in the hills about half hour from Fuchu City. We went on a camping trip with another club on a fourth of July holiday to a beach near the bay where Admiral Perry brought his Black Ships. There was a brilliant bottle-rocket battle between the Navy and Air Force members that night.

    In 1972 our MC clubs obtained permission from AF and Japanese authorities to hold a motocross race at the unused Mito Gunnery Range. A good number of us were granted permissive TDY for a week to go there and set up the race course. It ended up being about a 10 kilometers loop from the old airstrip through an open field, down a dusty fire road, through sand dunes, along the damp beach, through more sand, on another fire road and back to the airstrip (pit stop). We named the race the “Silver 200” and it was well publicized in Japanese Motorcycle books and media as well as Stars & Stripes. All Japanese, American and other riders were welcome to race with payment of entry fee. The proceeds were donated to a Japanese orphanage near Mito Gunnery Range. Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki all brought truckloads of factory bikes and factory riders. The almost 700 riders left in waves by class and cc size It was probably the biggest ever off road motorcycle race in Japan.

  35. I was stationed at Fuchu from Jan. 67 to Sep. 68 whenI was sent to Vietnam from Sep 68 to sep 69. While at Fuchu I worked in the Plan-55 unit,part of the 1956 Comm SQ. Was able to climbMt. Fuji and traveled around on the train system. Enjoyed my stay in Japan. People were friendly and helpful if you had questions.

  36. 201609 May Fuchu, Tokyo of you home base has been destroyed now have started the work to become a vacant lot

    Although it has passed since much month

    Japanese residents in 1962 was born to live in the vicinity of there greencitty6969@gmail.com
    Real name nakazawa
    Fake names are greencitty

  37. I was stationed at Fuchu AS from January 74 right out of Tech School at Keesler until they closed the Airways Station. I was the next to last person to leave the Airways Station upon closing – before they tore out the equipment. I even packed all the typewriters from Fuchu Airways in my car and took them to Yokota so they could stop using pencils. I have some great memories of the place, and like so many others, would not have missed it for the world. Unlike “Fast Freddy”, I got moved from the wooden barracks directly to Yokota AB – no Tachi for me. Ehh – it was a room… Sadly, the only picture I have of Fuchu is the front of the BX, and the picture, like so many of my other memories, after more than 40 years is cracked.

    1. Fuchu Airways will always be a chosen memory for me. Straight out of Keesler, 5 of us arrived in Aug 1963 and I stayed until Aug 1967 in the 1956th Comm Group. Truly, Fuchu Airways was the greatest starting assignment anyone could want! As best as I can remember, those arriving with me were James Gordon Johnson, Robert O. May, ??? Johnston and ??? Although I enjoyed the career of a ‘Lifer’ it is Fuchu that I remember a lot. A2C Wayne G. Austin was reading the Stars & Stripes comics & tagged me with the nick name “Knobby” (that has stuck with me throughout) after the Mgr Knobby Walsh of the prize fighter Joe Pooluka. May all of those who passed through Fuchu have fond memories forever.

  38. Lived at Fuchu from 1958 to 1962 as a youngster. Pop was stationed there and I attended Sancta Maria Missionary School in Tokyo. Lived in Grant Heights also. Remember Pop taking me to Atsugi and seeing the U2. Remember living off-base and renting from a Japanese tenant type farmer and Pop leaving him our Desoto when Pop was reassigned stateside. Remember flying home in a TWA (C-121) Constellation. I think when originally assigned to Fuchu we flew courtesy of the USN on a DC-7 to Japan from Seattle possibly???? Was a youngster then and memory could be off a little, but remember seeing the Tokyo baseball team, I believe they were the Giants???? Or, was that Yamamori????

  39. I was with the 37th Air Base Squadron (Environmental – Water & Waste) from July ’72 to August ’73. The base was a great place to be. I have many wonderful memories of the times spent in the Photo Hobby Shop with Sgt. Ken Yamane (he was with the fire department) and personnel in the environmental section: Superintendent MSG Tillman U. Milligan and SSG Oscar Samuel Clinton, the entymologist. Protestant chaplain was an O-6, and had real good programs. I got to do work on the pool up at Camp Tama which I think was immediately adjacent to a golf course where all the high-ranking personnel brought their Japanese guests. A tremendous place I would love to have seen again but it would probably be sad to see what it has become now.

  40. Hello Jim,
    This is Al Beitchman. I worked at the Comm Center from 1966 to 1970. I had a Top Secret Crypto clearance so I was pretty much behind closed doors for most of the time.
    I still remember the banks of then modern teletype machines clicking away with the messages from stateside and then relayed to Gen McKee, 5th AF, Vietnam.
    I strongly remember the very large printer that would print a line of 80 characters at one time, then advance the paper a line and the print wheels would setup for another line in the blink of an eye. It was constantly printing data from the Pentagon for the Far East. My wife came over and we lived off base at Kanto Mura. My first daughter was born at Tachikawa in 1967. We did all our shopping at Yokohama Naval Base since we had a car.
    Please get back to me at your earliest opportunity.

  41. Hello Karl,
    This is Al Beitchman. I worked at the Comm Center from 1966 to 1970. I had a Top Secret Crypto clearance so I was pretty much behind closed doors for most of the time.
    I still remember the banks of then modern teletype machines clicking away with the messages from stateside and then relayed to Gen McKee, 5th AF, Vietnam.
    I strongly remember the very large printer that would print a line of 80 characters at one time, then advance the paper a line and the print wheels would setup for another line in the blink of an eye. It was constantly printing data from the Pentagon for the Far East. My wife came over and we lived off base at Kanto Mura. My first daughter was born at Tachikawa in 1967. We did all our shopping at Yokohama Naval Base since we had a car.
    Please get back to me at your earliest opportunity.

  42. Hello John,
    This is Al Beitchman. I worked at the Comm Center from 1966 to 1970. I had a Top Secret Crypto clearance so I was pretty much behind closed doors for most of the time.
    I still remember the banks of then modern teletype machines clicking away with the messages from stateside and then relayed to Gen McKee, 5th AF, Vietnam.
    I strongly remember the very large printer that would print a line of 80 characters at one time, then advance the paper a line and the print wheels would setup for another line in the blink of an eye. It was constantly printing data from the Pentagon for the Far East. My wife came over and we lived off base at Kanto Mura. My first daughter was born at Tachikawa in 1967. We did all our shopping at Yokohama Naval Base since we had a car.
    Please get back to me at your earliest opportunity.

  43. Hello Dave,
    This is Al Beitchman. I worked at the Comm Center from 1966 to 1970. I had a Top Secret Crypto clearance so I was pretty much behind closed doors for most of the time.
    I still remember the banks of then modern teletype machines clicking away with the messages from stateside and then relayed to Gen McKee, 5th AF, Vietnam.
    I strongly remember the very large printer that would print a line of 80 characters at one time, then advance the paper a line and the print wheels would setup for another line in the blink of an eye. It was constantly printing data from the Pentagon for the Far East. My wife came over and we lived off base at Kanto Mura. My first daughter was born at Tachikawa in 1967. We did all our shopping at Yokohama Naval Base since we had a car.
    Please get back to me at your earliest opportunity.

  44. I worked at PACOM Elint Ctr. from May 1962 until April 1964. My OIC was Maj. Kennedy and my NCOIC was Chief Vorhies. I was a scope dope on the first floor, right outside EOB. Lived down by the Airmans Club. Middle barracks. My buddies were Charlie, Jake and Tom. Had a great time drinking beer both on and off base. Spent to much time on the strip and was always broke. Had a pool table in the day room for when we were broke. Not only had a good time but learned a hellaova lot and grew up. Pretty laid back place. Next duty station was 544 ARTW at HQ SAC. Asshole of the USAF.

  45. It was a privilege to have been stationed at Fuchu Air Station from 1971-72. I worked in Ammunition Control Point Division in the main building with my buddies, Aurora Gutierrez and Maria Rosario. Since Fuchu had no barracks for women, we lived on Tachikawa and commuted by shuttle, train or with co-workers, got caught in a couple of typhoons on the way to work. Every day on Fuchu was an interesting and fun adventure, and that chow hall was excellent! On my way to work, I would stop and get a plate of SOS for Sergeant Wright, my boss, I will never forget him. I remember that tree-lined lane going into the base, it was so pretty. Now, when I see the photos of the abandoned base, I think of all the good times and try not to dwell on how sad it looks.

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