I have a new website!! Much of it is currently under construction, so please forgive that. I’ll get to it. I’m also finishing up Zombie Ocean book 4, publishing and planning promo for a box set books 1-3, and starting on a teaching management course. At work I just got taken on full time (today)! That is great for stability, especially with a bloated mortgage. I never blogged also that we have kittens now, 2 6-month old brothers Lincoln and Churchill. Here’s a picture: Churchill is on top. Super cute.
Adventures in Website Marketing: michaeljohngrist.com 5.0
A few days ago the 5.0 version of this site went live. I’ve been hard at work redesigning and coding for the past few weeks, learning how to do all the things I wanted to do through simple CSS and html. It can be an incredibly frustrating experience at times- but when finally the pixels click into place, the target image floats properly left, it can feel like a momentous achievement. Big changes include: – everything is now within borders and wrappers – the front page is laid out as a magazine – it’s a calmer and more serious color …