Me on the Fantasy Fiends podcast/video

Mike GristInterviews / Reviews, Life, Writing Leave a Comment

Last night at 1:30am I woke up from a brief slumber to take part in the Fantasy Fiends podcast, with hosts Andy Peloquin and Stevie Collier. My first time to do something like this!

It was a blast – I guess I never talk to other fantasy authors, so what a pleasure it was to dig in with them. We talked about:

  • how our real-world adventures and travels (Japan, Canada, ruins) have inspired us in our character and world creation.
  • our writing processes and productivity schedules (1 book ever 2 momnths for Stevie, 1 a month for Andy!).
  • our various upcoming news and projects (book 3 for me and thrillers with agents, Andy’s 5 follow-ups, Stevie’s new cover).
  • and more…

Check the podcast video here:

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