Revamped ‘About’ about me

Mike GristLife, Writing Leave a Comment

Thinking about my post from a few days back – about thinking more about mentoring – I’ve rethought my About and updated it on the site front page. Here it is:

Michael John Grist is a bestselling British/American author, adventurer and teacher. His 9-book Last Mayor zombie apocalypse series has sold over 10,000 copies and was optioned for a movie, while his Ignifer Cycle epic fantasy series is being produced for audio by major publisher Podium.

For 11 years Michael lived in Tokyo exploring and photographing Japan’s modern ruins, such as abandoned military bases, ghost towns and underground bunkers, gaining millions of hits on this website with his reports, which thriller bestseller Barry Eisler calls, ‘gorgeous, haunting, stunning.’

In his free time Michael works out in the gym, plays board and videogames, and mentors other authors. He lives in London with his wife, and works as an academic English lecturer at university.

It definitely foregrounds my successes more, and even mentions that I do mentoring even though I don’t do it yet hahah!

I thought about putting some of my top short story sales in here too, but couldn’t justify the words. The two boasts I’ve got there now, about 10,000 and Podium, are stronger. But I figured it’s nice to have that info somewhere, so I revamped my short story page (made it years ago) and provided a link. Here’s the link.

I’ve got lots of ideas for blogs too, such as a series of ‘MJG Guides’ which will showcase what I know about the various areas I could mentor. Also I thought about how to price mentoring services in a way that suits me, and came up with some ideas. That’ll be a page I guess, when I get a chance.

Also an update on my carpal tunnel situation and my writing progress – coming soon!!

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