Alas, the Internet is gone…

Mike GristUncategorized Leave a Comment

More great examples of 2 steps forward one step back today, grr… 

Did all shower ordering stuff (£500) plus carried 1.5 square meters of tile home, nice Weatherspoons pub lunch, then get home to start painting!

I move the new modem so it won’t get painted on, and boom, goes stone cold dead.

Call provider- apparently we’re not even supposed to be ‘live’ yet. Well, we were, now we’re not. Much frustration. Many venting. 

I go on quest for another mobile wifi (a dongle). 5 shops and many quizzical looks later (“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, one shop owner said) I got it. £45! On a contract!

But when the clerk rang it up, only £10 :). Nobody knows why. 15gb for one month, and I can cancel tomorrow. 

Much painting followed, a fury of it.

When am I gonna do writing? Nobody knows. One more day of painting then back to work.

Here is a picture of Winston Churchill’s war room bunker, in Westminster, which we went to a few months ago.

I want my study to look like this- like all the writing I’m doing is essential and keeping the world safe.  Maps on the walls, Bakelite phones, and green bankers lamps. Even a black phone with a green handle.

Churchill’s bedroom was right next to this!


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