So yesterday I blogged the cover of The Lost, as part of making the page for my website, but here it is again with commentary-
I have changed a number of things from the first iteration of The Last. I think this is easily my most pro-looking cover yet.
The last font was flat, blank, white, on a line. It stood out, but like typewritten ink on a page.
This one is an interesting font for the title- bobbled up and down unevenly, kerned (some letters pushed closer together) and stretched (original font was more squat), destructed (via a complete layer masking thing I stumbled on by accident), and BIG.
What do you think? The image pops brightly, and I added the biohazard icon at the bottom. In case anyone wasn’t certain it was a zombie story.
It’s available for pre-order!
It’ll launch on Saturday 15 Aug at $2.99. I’m excited.
The Last has a new-(ish) cover too and I’ll post that tomorrow.
Other news
I’m sitting now in Imperial College, in the heart of central London, waiting for a call back from the real estate agent about picking up the key to our new house.
Here’s a wall of heraldic symbols nearby. The building I teach in is the Cities and Guilds building.