Kindred Spirit Interview- The Spirituality of Ruins

Mike GristHaikyo, Haikyo in the Media, Interviews / Reviews Leave a Comment

I’ve mentioned my sister Alice on this site before– when she got her book ‘The High-Heeled Guide to Enlightenment‘ published. She spent a year of her life experimenting with various forms of spirituality- going to shamans, doing sweat lodges, having reiki crystal therapy, being regressed through past lives, etc… It’s a fascinating read I’d recommend to anyone interested in that sort of thing. Typically I’m not, but I’ll admit some of it got me thinking.

Anyway- since that book came out she’s been hard at work promoting the book and writing pieces for magazines based around the topics of the book. Somewhere along the way the idea emerged (from an editor she approached) that she should interview me about my ruins hobby, and how that kind of exploration has a spiritual element. So, she fired off some questions, I fired off some answers, and we had some back and forth. The result is the piece below, in the UK spirituality magazine ‘Kindred Spirit’. I haven’t got a copy myself yet, but am looking forward to it.

I quite like the title, though it does make me sound a bit like an addict to ruins, and that the addiction will ruin me. Hmm, well…

You can buy copies of the magazine (I think I’m in the May/June edition) here.

For more on my sister’s book go check out her blog page here, or go ahead and buy direct from this link-

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