10 Abandoned Haikyo Chairs

Mike GristBest Of, Haikyo 6 Comments

The haikyoist must be prepared to sit in any chair at any time, due to the extreme fatigue caused by walking around a bit. Walking around a bit though is not the only trial haikyoists must undergo, there are also such tribulations as- having to step over a bit of wire or maybe do a bit of climbing, having to repeatedly make comments like- `dude I`m so creeped out right now`, and having to keep a third eye peeled for ghosts, all of which can be pretty draining. The skill of sitting in just about any chair to recoup lost HP is a necessity.

Here’s a range of 10 ruined chairs from around Japan.

Shin Shu Kanko hotel lobby

Nichitsu ghost town

Sports World theme park office.

Russian Village theme park.

Toyo Bowl third floor.

Small Pox isolation ward skychair

Akasaka love hotel hallway

Heian Kaku wedding hall spiderchair.

Akeno Gekijo strip club seating.

Queen Chateau soapland


Let`s add a poll to this- chime in if you dare.

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Take a look at all my haikyo explores in the galleries:

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Comments 6

  1. I like chairs in haikyo. If you could somehow play a sped up video of the life of a chair, I think it would be one of the most interesting things in the place.

  2. Well I had to go back over your list of Haikyo in order to get some of the names but here are my guesses:

    Chair 1 – Shin Shu Kanko Hotel
    Chair 2 – Nichiitsu Somewhere?
    Chair 3 – Sports World
    Chair 4 – Russian World
    Chair 5 – Kanagawa Toyo Bowl
    Chair 6 – Either Nichiitsu or Seigoshi Mine (If I had to guess I would say the Mine)
    Chair 7 – Asaka Love Hotel
    Chair 8 – Heian Wedding Hall
    Chair 9 – Akeno Gekijo Strip Club
    Chair 10 – Queen Chateau

    Good idea for a comp btw, I had fun going back over your names and re-read a few of the reports after seeing them.

  3. Post

    Brian- Interesting idea, though to show slow decay it would take a very long time.

    Elle- All correct (that you sent me by email)- very impressed you got them all so fast.

    Adam- Likewise, great work! I`ll prob do a few more posts like this, either for prizes or just for fun. Ah wait, you`re wrong on 6- it`s the Isolation Ward.

    As for prize for this one, my OJ copies still haven`t arrived- but if/when they do I`ll keep you posted. Thanks for playing!

  4. Bah, only got two of them, but I’m working from my own archive rather than article scouring here and some of those sites are gone now! 😛

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