Showa Kinen Disc Golfers

Mike GristJapan, People / Culture 16 Comments

Hidden away in the massive bulk of Showa Kinen Park in Tachikawa lies the best dosc golf course in all of Japan; 18 holes of longish straightaways, doglegs round hills and trees, paths cut through bamboo forests, and leaps over water.

Disc Golf is a lot like regular golf, but with a specially moulded set of frisbees instead of balls and clubs. You toss the disc towards the ‘hole’, a metal chain-link basket, counting your throws like in golf. You use variously shaped discs like a driver or putter just like the various clubs in golf. You shoot for under par as best you can.

Alex has come to town, and that means one thing- Frisbee Golf!

The last time Alex was in town, about a year ago, we got rained off. It looked like rain today, but happily held off until we got our 9 holes done at Tachikawa. Of course we wanted the full 18, but since it’s Golden Week holidays, half the course was closed down.

Here’s a picture of us at the gazebo by hole 13- Alex, me, Mike.

The first round went to Alex and Mike, though not a score to be proud of at +4 each, me with +5. I put it down to the fact that we were busy filming our golfing efforts.

The second round was better, 0 for me, +2 or 3 for the others, though still nothing to be too proud of.

Without further ado- the video:


You can see all MJG’s Tokyo content here:

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Comments 16

  1. Post
  2. Vincent tells me that the course at Kodomo no Kuni is pretty good. You may want to give it a try while Alex is in town. Boy do you ever have a small head in that pic!

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    I figured it was about time I posted about it. I’ve been playing 5 years, but never really mentioned it before. You should try it with James, I’m sure there’ll be a course near you somewhere.

  5. Guys! Just checked out the frisbee BBS and I found this. Loooong time no see!!

    I remember I joined you guys for disc golf there for a few times and I miss it.

  6. Post

    Mari? Hi, nice to see you here. Hisashiburi ne. I haven’t been doing much golf, or frisbee really, for a while now. It was good to get out there with Alex. Did you ever meet Alex?

  7. Hi MIke!

    It’s strange to hear you are away from frisbee for a while. You are always center of it, really.
    Yes, I think I have met Alex at some party at JC’s, I guess. Maybe not at the field 😉

    What have you been doing if you are not playing frisbee??

  8. Post

    Hey Mari- well, I’m not the center of frisbee anymore. They’re serious with the team, and that just wasn’t so interesting for me anymore. Instead of frisbee I’ve been doing the other stuff you can see on this site. Cycling trips, haikyo trips, making the website and learning about video and photography, like that.

    What about you, what have you been doing?

  9. Hey Mike!

    Yeah I know they are so serious with the team for tourney or other stuff, I heard. I am feeling like playing, just casually as it used to be, do you think we can do something for that or organize people? ( Not necessarily gathering the people though) Anyway, I want to throw!!

    Well, my life is mostly consists of work. But now I am taking a month off so I am at home back in Hyogo. It’s always good to be back, doing nothing for a while is awsome!

    Cycling trips? How long and where do you trip to?

    Mikey, we SHOULD throw discs!!!

  10. Post

    They still have pick-up every Sunday, if there’s ever a good weather week when I’m not off camping or something I’ll probably go along- you should come too.

    A month off sounds nice- though I am not working too hard at the moment either, only very part time. What are you doing to fill the time?

    Cycling trips- I went up the Arakawa River and Tama River for overnight camping, plus lots of shorter rides round Tokyo.

  11. I heard they moved to Kuji field instead of Futako-Tamagawa field, right? I would like to come sometime anyhow.

    How I spend days here? I came home to do nothing so I am currently doing nothing 😉 Just watch the movies, some reading, shopping on the web, cooking, chatting with my family and sleeping. It’s good to be in the nature, the backyard here is lots of green and you can hear birds singing every day. Oh and I see some of my friends live here, too.

    Hey why not hang out when I come back to Tokyo??

  12. I know there is a golf course near us. Can’t see it happening. You remember that you said I throw good for a girl. Well hunny……I am nearly 30, I am now a woman and I throw like a mo fo biatch….. Bioing, low flying frisbees, watch your boy bits boys!!!!! Maybe I come to Nippon and help you defeat your frisbee enemies. Just let me know when my powers are needed and I will be there. Byeeeeee xxxx

  13. Post

    Mo Fo biatch- naturally, I don’t see how any sister of mine could throw in any other manner. As for frisbee enemies, when I make some you’ll be the first person I call 😉

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