The Dawn Cycle 1. The Rise of the Truth

Mike Grist Jabbler's Mons, Stories 2 Comments

I`ve written a book. The working title is The Rise of The Truth, and it`s the first book of The Dawn Cycle, a saga of 5 fantasy books following Dawn on his quest to take care of business. In the last couple of days I put together submission packets for literary agencies, including query letters and book-jacket `blurbs`. I sent the book out to a selection of agents by email and post. Because I`m in Japan, sending to the US and UK, the few by post cost me $100 in postage. A small price to pay for hope, SY says.

Here’s the blurb-

The mad King of Jabbler`s Mons is hunting a child. For 46 years he has spun webs of entrapment throughout the city, building a network of brutal organisations to weed out anybody different or special. It began with genocide against the Unforgiven, and continues with record numbers impaled upon the Spike.

Into that city comes a boy called Dawn. He is thought to be a virgin birth, a son of the deity the Heart. He should be loved and protected, but for his first year of life he knows only torment and neglect at his own mother`s hands. On his first birthday she abandons him, leaving behind a malnourished shell of a child, but one that grows into a burning desire to know the truth of his origins.

That desire will take him from the safety of the Heart`s Abbey and into the darkest depths of the city, pitting him against all the forces the King can muster and thrusting him into league with some of the lowest Caste creatures alive. Ultimately it will bring him face to face with the impossible truth of his own identity, and force him to choose between what he thinks is right and what he knows he must do.


Already a few agents got back to me with rejections. So it goes. Instead of worrying about it I`ll go ahead and submit my haikyo book proposal to them all. Double punch!

Comments 2

  1. I wish you good luck and success.

    It sounds like an interesting story. May I ask what’s your motivation for making your protagonist such a Christ-like character? It’s not a direction I would have expected you to take based on the stories you’ve published on this site.

  2. Post

    Thanks David. I didn`t set out to evoke Jesus with this story, in fact it began life as a short story and went in quite the opposite direction. When it became a novel though, certain big themes and movements just made more sense.

    All that said, is he actually a JC character? Well, hopefully part of the fun/tension of the book is in finding out.

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