This evening I set up a three book (I should say ‘product’) promotion- The Last free, The Loss (book 4) free, and the box set books 1-3 99cents, starting on April 18-22. It took two hours to get it all done, and in total if all promotion sites accept me, it’ll cost $510.
It looks like a lot. It is a lot. But the last time I did this I spent $630 and ultimately got more than double that back. Plus- Mark Dawson, King of book facebook ads, spends about $20,000 a month on advertising, and gets more than that back (15% ROI). Wow.
Also- I started writing Zombie Ocean book 5! Got some exciting things lined up, while at the same time still planning the full extent (books 6, 7 and onward…)
Gripping! They will all be irresistible page-turners!