What with all the forward and backward stepping with the house of late, and no time set aside for doing purely fun stuff, and the next 3 months of term looming ahead monolithically, I think it’s a good time to contemplate the positives.
So, a list of things I’m looking forward to:
– Seeing The Martian. I loved the book, generally love Matt Damon, and am expecting great things.
– Getting my book covers done. This whole process is always very exciting, like the night before Christmas. There are still two covers in the Ruins War and one upcoming Zombie Ocean book to do.
– Early retirement! That is miles off, but still, good to put it in there.
– Getting a cat, or two. We’ve never had cats, so this is a biggie. I always had them as a kid.
– Getting a TV. We’ve mostly been watching shows and movies on a 13-inch laptop screen for over a year, while sitting at a desk. It’ll be great to lounge on a sofa in front of a decent-sized TV.
– Getting bookshelves. Not since I was a kid have I had enough shelves to display my books, photo albums, and other bits proudly. In Japan they were tucked wherever I could fit them. As a kid I used to compulsively rearrange my books- in order of content, favorites, author, whatever- and always really enjoyed it.
– Visiting family, from a position of having our own firm roots in the country. For 11 years every visit has been fly-by, or rooted shallowly from a bag at my mom’s house. I think it’s different when we’re standing on our own feet.
– Take a visit to Japan/Korea! I want to see how it feels, reminisce, see SY’s family and try out my Korean skills.
– Explore the local area. We are within easy reach of Epping Forest, Southend, and generally loads of authentic little villages. I want to get out and sample the sights and cream teas!
Well, that feels good to do! It’s so easy to get bogged down in DIY and getting frustrated by obstacles. It’s good to remember we are moving closer to these goals!
What are you looking forward to?
Writing news
I promised the new Mr. Ruins cover and here it is.
The book is altered too, faster at the beginning, and I’m working through it slowly to make it more accessible throughout.
In sales news, sales and page reads are way down, with 1 or 2 sales a day and a few hundred page reads. I guess it will hover this low until my next promotion.