Ruins of The Secret World

Mike Grist Apocalypse, Fantasy Ruins, Game Ruins, Ghost Towns, Theme Parks 5 Comments

There is a city on the moon. 11 days are missing. The Earth is hollow. The tower of Babel never fell. These are just a few of the many premises of The Secret World, a stunning new MMORPG game that promises to plunge players deep into a Lovecraftian realm of mythology risen, a secret world the X-files only ever hinted at. MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, a game played online in a shared fantasy world like World of Warcraft. The Secret World, as yet unreleased, looks utterly awesome, with a taste of any and all mythological flavors- …

The Ruins of Nuclear Winter

Mike Grist Apocalypse, Art Ruins, Fantasy Ruins, Nuclear 1 Comment

Nuclear winter slathered down across the world like a rain of torrential lead paint, bowing our cities beneath it. Ceilings and structures collapsed under the deluge, walls crumbled, and humanity was washed away by a tide of toxic white sludge. Gerry Judah sculpts the apocalypse. He builds out minutely detailed architectural models of buildings, then destructs them with a flood of white paint- leaving the canvas pitted, scored, and crusted with ruins. The sculptures are then hung on their sides in galleries, where viewers can peer deep through the blasted roofs and into the hollow bones of his work. A …